Artist: Steve Bright
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 20th September 1986

The Story

Sqworm has found himself a nice quiet spot in a prison garden to relax in. A prison garden. But one of the two criminals working out in the garden recognises him. The other has seen how strong he is in the comics sent in by his mum. But knows that he's dead straight so won't help them break out.

They decide to throw him over the wall and he'll be so narked that he'll punch his way through the wall and they can escape. But Sqworm doesn't bash through the wall, he tunnels underneath it. Upon releasing the bit of ground the criminals are standing on, they get knocked out. Sqworm tosses it over the wall, and when th come around they see a tunnel, and think they can escape through it.

But it leads back into the prison where they ar picked up by the guards.


The criminals are called Lofty & Larry.