Artist: Mike Lacey
Type: Page and half
Printed in Issue: 20th July 1985

The Story

Ray is at the beach when he finds someone upset because they've lost their wedding ring in the sand. He uses his specs to find it behind a rock where she was sunbathin.

Someone else comes along asking if Ray can help him find a notebook. Ray starts to help him, but finds a necklace in the sand. Next up he finds more stuff including a watch and a wallet, but not the man's notebook.

Eventually, he spots it under a sandcastle, and in return Ray asks for a hand getting some of the lost items down to the police station. But the man is eager to get away, and Ray spots why. So he gets a passing constable to stop the man, and the policeman sees it's full of plans for robbing the local bank.

The man asks how he knows, as he never showed Ray the inside of the book, but Ray points out that his X Ray Specs can see through more then just sand.


The plan on the notebook shows the Acme Safe no 2794/7A combination 22-16-73