Artist: Terry Bave
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 24th May 1986

The Story

Bully Bates approaches Pete asking for the time. Pete hasn't got his watch on him, but he can get his book to pop up a timepiece. On the first go it's a Sundial....but there's no sun. It also lands on Bates' foot. Next up, it's a cuckoo clock, and the cuckoo bites Bates' nose.

Bates warns Pete to pop up a wrist watch or else. But a giant wearing a wrist watch pops up and punches Bates. Bates decides he's had enough and goes to wrip the book up, but a timebomb pops out and Bates' disappears down the road.


Pete says that Bates ran off so fast he's broken Steve Cram's world record.