Artist: Reg Parlett
Type: Double Page
Printed in Issue: 1st June 1985

The Story

Maddie Jones has just attended a lecture on Home Decoration and one of the best pieces at the moment is an old fashioned wooden wheel. The girls from the class are going to Maddie’s for coffee later that afternoon and she wants to get her hands on one.

Suddenly she realises there are four perfectly good ones next door, and begins to suck up to her neighbours offering her services. Her first job is to feed the pigs lunch, they bowl her off her feet in their hurry to eat. Her second task is to go egg collection, which she doesn’t enjoy as the hens have laid eggs in a nettle patch.

Stan has seen right through her and is just winding her up. He asks what she really wants and she explains that she needs the wheels for an afternoon. Concerned about what to use a a replacement Stan suddenly gets an idea.

He fits the four wheels up in Maddies lounge for her. Meanwhile, Ollie has been having problems getting to work. The lunchtime train broke down in the station and now he has to drive to work. But as he starts trying to drive off he realises the car won’t go anyway.

Stan has borrowed Ollie’s wheels to put on the caravan!


Despite her clothes showing signs of tear in the Nettle patch, they don’t seem to have been badly damaged as the tears are invisible for the rest of the strip
Ollie’s car has been propped up on bricks.