Artist: Jim Crocker
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 28th December 1985

The Story

Vince is showing off how many Christmas present's he's going to get because his Dad is rich. So Jack decides to bet he'll have more presents then Vince. Jack starts to list all the presents he's going to get, but Vince doesn't believe him.
On Christmas Day Jack is carrying a large sack of presents on a sledge shocking Vince. But the reason Jack has so many is because he's playing Santa to the kids in the hospital so is taking the presents to them.


Jack lists 6 Jigsaws, 8 board games, 12 Calculators, 10 Digital Watches, 20 Annuals, 3 Track Suits, and a couple of sports bags
The newsagent lists the Fleetway comic names Buster, Wow, Whizzer & Chips, Cor!! and Whoopee