Artist: Terry Bave
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 29th June 1985

The Story

Little Nickum is woken one Saturday morning when Guy gets up for his Paper round. As Nickum follows Guy around he suggests that Guy slams the garden gate at his mate Tommy's house and wake him up. Guy does this and Nickum begins to think it's been worth getting up in the morning.

Next up is Sid's house and Nickum suggests Guy bangs the dustbin lid, which he does. At Jim's house Guy follows the advice of Nickum and makes the dog bark. Nickum is thrilled with this but can't understand why Guy isn't running off to hide. Suddenly, everyone comes out of their houses and Nickum believes it's the moment he's been waiting for.

But, everyone is pleased Guy woke them up as it's the Youth Club Outing and they had to get up early!


Guy gets up at 6am for his paper round.