Artist: Terry Bave
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 29th March 1986

The Story

Guy's Family are visiting the Vicar to discuss the Jumble Sale. The Vicar tells Guy he can look around the house. Little Nickum is with Guy and tries to make him slide down the bannister, but Guy says that would be wrong, as he's not had permission. Next up, Nickum points out the Grandfather clock and suggests that Guy should hide in it and jump out at people when they pass. Finally, Nickum spots an old vase, just like one of Ali Baba's 40 Thieves, but Guy still says no.

Suddenly the Vicar comes up to see how Guy likes the house. He points out the old grandfather clock that he used to hide in and jump out on people as they pass. He also reveals that when his parents were cross he used to hide in the Vase and pretend he was one of the 40 thieves. Best of all though, he used to love sliding down bannisters.

Guy and the Vicar are next seen sliding down the bannisterm with Nickum proclaiming that the vicar joined the wrong side!
