Artist: Jack Edward Oliver
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 24th May 1986

The Story

Cliff is beginning to get the hang of his time machine. He knows that it has to go backwards to the present and he mustn't press a certain button.....which he does! He ends up in Ancient Rome, and decides to get changed before he is spotted. He changes into a Roman soldier and walks through a door into the Gladiator's ring. A lion is running up to him, but what should he do? Act like a man? Appeal to the crowd? Or stick his head in the Lion's mouth?

Acting like a man leads Cliff to run around in circles like someone else in the ring whilst the lion gains on them. Cliff does appeal to the crowd, they find him hillarious although the lion doesn't! The correct answer is C, where he finds it's just two people dressed up as a lion. They tell Cliff that they couldn't find a real lion, and if he pretends to fight them, they'll let him go free.

We're told there's no time like the present, Can Cliff get back to it next week?


The Abolish Tuesdays logo is changed slightly to say Abolishus Tuesdayus