Artist: Pete Dredge
Type: Single Page
Printed in Issue: 1st June 1985

The Story

Arfur is at the youth club when it’s discovered the band who are performing tomorrow haven’t printed any flyers to advertise the gig. Arfur says he can do it with just one poster and then dashes back to school.

The following morning, no posters have been seen, but Arfur isn’t worried. They go to morning assembly where the first thing on the agenda is a mis-spelt poster advertising the gig tonight. The kids in assembly see the poster and later the youth club is packed out.


The poster reads: “2-nite Marc and the Creepers Funky Gig at The Guys ‘n’ Girls Club”
The person supposed to be organising the posters is called Dim Jim.
The poster was displayed on the staff room notice board.
A few weeks later Marc and the Creepers are playing The Astoria, that story here.